Heart of Denton 4H Livestock Show

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On average, your last spring frost occurs on April 2 (at WEATHERFORD, TX climate station, elevation 954 feet). Crop snowflake Based on Frost Dates moon Based on Moon Dates Start Seeds Indoors Plant Seedlings or Transplants Start Seeds Outdoors Last Date to Plant Arugula snowflake Feb 5-19 moon Feb 9-19 snowflake Mar 12-26 moon Mar 12-25 snowflake Mar 4-12 Oct 4 Asparagus N/A N/A snowflake Mar 19-Apr 2 moon Mar 26-Apr 2 Apr 2 Basil snowflake Feb 19-Mar 4 moon Feb 19-24...
Nearest Climate Station Altitude Last Spring Frost First Fall Frost Growing Season WEATHERFORD, TX 954' April 2nd November 1st 212 days Last and first frost dates are 30% probability. Calculated using 1991-2020 Climate Normals from NOAA. What are 2023 Frost Dates? A frost date is the average date of the last light freeze in spring or the first light freeze in fall. The classification of freeze temperatures is based on their effect on plants: Light freeze: 29° to 32°F (-1.7° to 0°C) -...
Do you need really need a rooster on the homestead? Roosters constantly get a bad rep, and typically it comes from people who have either been attacked by a rooster, or who are simply uneducated about the way roosters work within a working homestead or farm. Either way, there are a lot of great reasons to own a rooster, especially if you’re a working farm or homesteader. We keep two roosters on our homestead at all times. We learned this important tip from a seasoned Virginia chicken...
This gorgeous 1977 Camaro restomod makes one wonder why the second-gen hasn’t caught fire like its predecessor. The second-generation Chevy Camaro has long lived somewhat in the shadows of its predecessor, which is quite common in the world of automobiles. However, most of us around these parts have a soft spot for this particular model, which we think looks amazing and has tons of potential in terms of serving up a blank canvas for creating something extra special. Case in point – this 1977...
What’s happening to drag racing? Drag strips are closing everywhere. To wit: Phoenix, Arizona’s last drag strip, Palm Beach, Atlanta, and Memphis. And this is on the heels of closing the iconic Englishtown in New Jersey in 2018, as well as more regional tracks like Sallisaw Outlaw Drag Strip in Oklahoma, and Auto Club Dragway in California. So what’s going on? Why are so many drag strips closing? Dodge NHRA Nationals 2021, at Las Vegas Motor Speedway in Las Vegas, Nevada | Getty Many...
